Tax Filing Documents Checklist

Joyce Zhao
May 8, 2024
min read

Tax season is approaching, and you're racing to gather all the necessary documents, ensuring nothing is overlooked. If you're unsure where to begin, having a tax checklist is crucial for staying organized and ensuring you have everything you need.

What documents do you need to file your taxes? When filing online, you'll require specific forms and supporting documents. Here's a checklist to ensure you're prepared:

Personal Information:

  • Social Insurance Numbers for you, your spouse, and dependents (if applicable)
  • Dates of birth for family members
  • Net income amounts for your spouse and any dependents for whom you’re claiming credits
  • Total amount of installment payments made to CRA
  • Notice of Assessments from last year’s return
  • Your NETFILE access code

Income Slips:

  • Employment: T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid, RL-1 Employment and Other Income (QC only)
  • Self-employment: T2125, T4002 Self-employed Business, Professional, Commission, Farming, and Fishing Income
  • Savings and Investments: T5 Statement of Investment Income, T3 Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations, T5008 Statement of Securities Transactions
  • Retirement: T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income, T4A(P) Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits, T4A(OAS) Statement of Old Age Security, T4RSP Statement of RRSP Income, T4RIF Statement of income from a Registered Retirement Income Fund
  • Social Benefits and Employment Insurance: T4E Statement of Employment Insurance and Other Benefits, T5007 Statement of Benefits – Workers Compensation or Social Assistance benefits, T4A COVID-19 Benefits received – CERB, CRB, CRCB, etc.

Expense Receipts for Credits and Deductions:

  • Work-related Expenses: T2200 Employment expenses (signed by your employer), In-home office expenses, Tool expenses, Union dues not included on your T4 slip
  • For Families: Childcare expenses, Adoption expenses, Support payments made
  • For Homeowners and Landlords: Rental expenses, Capital Cost Allowance (CCA), Home accessibility expenses, Moving expenses
  • For Students: Tuition slips, Student loan interest amounts
  • Other Common Expenses: Charitable donations, Medical expenses, Personal attendant/facility care expenses, Political contributions, Exams for professional certification, Digital News subscription expenses, Receipts for classroom/school supplies (teachers and early childhood educators)

Other Documents/Information:

  • Last year’s notice of assessment from the CRA
  • Tuition carry forward amounts, RRSP deduction limit and unused amounts, Loss carry forward amounts, Other carry forward amounts (business-use-of home, donations, etc.)
  • Other CRA correspondence

It's crucial to keep all receipts and documents in case the CRA requests them later. Keep original copies of paper documents.